Sejarah Rendang

Rendang merupakan sajian makanan dari ranah Minang, Sumatera Barat. Menurut sejarah, nama "rendang" berasal dari bahasa Minang, yaitu randang. kata randang merujuk pada teknik mengolah bernama marandang, yang berarti mengolah serta mengaduk masakan dalam waktu yang lama sehingga hasil masakan menjadi kering. Terciptanya kuliner rendang berasal dari akibat akulturasi budaya yang masuk ke Minang. salah satu makanan yg sejenis dengan sajian rendang yaitu kuliner kari berasal India. asal usul rendang ditelusuri berasal dari Sumatra, khususnya Minangkabau. Bagi warga Minang, rendang sudah ada sejak dahulu serta telah menjadi masakan tradisi yg dihidangkan pada berbagai acara adat dan hidangan keseharian. sebagai masakan tradisi, rendang diduga telah lahir sejak orang Minang menggelar acara adat pertamanya.

Rendang kian dikenal serta beredar luas jauh melampaui daerah aslinya berkat budaya merantau Minangkabau. Orang Minang yang pergi merantau selain bekerja menjadi pegawai atau berniaga, banyak di antara mereka berwirausaha membuka rumah Makan Padang di seantero Nusantara, bahkan meluas ke negara tetangga sampai Eropa dan Amerika. rumah makan inilah yg memperkenalkan rendang serta sajian Minangkabau lainnya secara meluas. Ketenaran rendang sudah membuatnya rendang dinobatkan menjadi hidangan yang menduduki peringkat pertama daftar World's 50 Most Delicious Foods (50 hidangan Terlezat dunia) versi CNN International tahun 2011.

Rubik's Cube

The Rubik’s Cube was invented in 1974 by Ernõ Rubik, a Hungarian architecture professor. Rubik created the Cube as a learning exercise to teach his students about 3-dimensional spaces. 

By the 1980’s, the Rubik’s Cube was a worldwide craze selling millions of Cubes every year.On the original Rubik's Cube, each of the six faces was covered by nine stickers, each of one of six colours: white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow. Some later versions of the cube have been updated to use coloured plastic panels instead (Stickerless), which prevents peeling and fading. 

Although the Rubik's Cube reached its height of mainstream popularity in the 1980s, its community is still growing with a official competition organizer (WCA)

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Rubik's cube variations

 There are unique versions of Rubik's Cubes with up to 33 layers: the 2×2×2 (Pocket/Mini cube), the usual 3×3×3 cube, the 4×4×4 (Rubik's Revenge/master cube), and the 5×5×5 (Professor's cube) being the most widely known. As of 1981, the original Rubik's brand has licensed twisty puzzle cubes simplest as much as the 5×5×5. The 17×17×17 "Over The top" cube (available past due 2011) was until December 2017 the biggest (and most pricey, costing extra than two thousand dollars) commercially sold cube. A 17×17×17 was later brought via the chinese manufacturer YuXin. A working design for a 22×22×22 cube exists and turned into proven in January 2016, and a 33×33×33 in December 2017.chinese manufacturer ShengShou has been producing cubes in all sizes from 2×2×2 to 15×15×15 (as of may 2020), and have additionally come out with a 17×17×17.

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Quoted from the, The World Cube Association governs competitions for mechanical puzzles that are operated by twisting groups of pieces, commonly known as 'twisty puzzles'. The most famous of these puzzles is the Rubik's Cube, invented by professor Rubik from Hungary. A selection of these puzzles are chosen as official events of the WCA.

The WCA organizes competitions for all "official" solves for twisty puzzles that are chosen by the WCA which also records the fastest solve in a specific twisty puzzles like World records (WR), National records (NR), and Continental record (CR). Every solve that is outside of WCA competitions is "unofficial" and if they solves faster than the WR than it's named Unofficial World Record (UWR). A WR is of course more valuable than a UWR.


CFOP (cross, F2L, OLL, PLL, pronounced C-F-O-P or C-fop) is a 3x3 speedsolving technique proposed by using several cubers around 1981. it's also known as the Fridrich method after its popularizer, Jessica Fridrich. In component because of Fridrich's book of the approach on her website in 1995, CFOP has been the most dominant 3x3 speedcubing approach for the reason that around 2000, with it and its editions utilized by the large majority of the top speedcubers including Feliks Zemdegs, Max Park, Sebastian Weyer, Mats Valk, etc.

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First step of CFOP : Cross

The first step is to make a cross on the bottom face by solving four edge pieces that share one color . The cross is the step with the least amount of structure, so it takes a number of thinking and creativity to come up with a good solution. Hold your cube on your hands with the white centre facing down to improve your solution time. With numerous practice you won't need to see the white cross because you'll recognize what's going on down there according to the color scheme of your puzzle, your movements and what you notice on the top. This way you don't have to turn your cube around, saving a lot of time. A few speedcubers decide on fixing the move on the left facet but if you choose to make it on the lowest you may have a pleasant lookahead and is greater appropriate for finger hints. 

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Second step of CFOP : F2L

The first layers (F2L) of the Rubik's cube are solved simultaneously instead of individually to lessen the solving time significantly. Within the 2nd step of the CFOP technique, we solve the 4 white corner pieces and the edges attached to them. To be efficient try not to turn your cube around while solving and look ahead as much as possible. Be familiar with the algorithms so you can do them with your eyes closed.

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Third step of CFOP : OLL

OLL or Orientation of the Last Layer is the third step of the CFOP method, which aims to orient (same color facing up) the top layer of the 3x3. This step is fully algorithmic, and consists of 57 cases. OLL has the most algorithms in the CFOP method

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Fourth Step of CFOP : PLL

PLL is the acronym for Permutation of the last Layer. Permutation of the last Layer is the remaining step of many speedsolving methods. on this step, the portions on the pinnacle layer have already been oriented (OLL) in order that the top face has all the same color, and they are able to now be moved into their solved positions. There are 21 PLLs (13 if you count mirrors and inverses as being the same) and each one is named after a letter.

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